The Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School PTL is a vital part of the school. As an organization, they represent parents, organize events and assist with projects that serve children and families and raise funds for classroom activities that are not part of the approved budget.
The Parent Teacher League (PTL) is an organization of Parents and Teachers working together to improve the quality of our Children’s education. By working together for our school, we can easily make this year run very smoothly. All parents are a part of the PTL.
PTL 2024-2025 Officers
President – Kevyn Piper Secretary – Carly Meers
Vice President – Brea Sorgenfrei Treasurer – Amy Gardner
The PTL has assigned each parent a task. This is to help with the events and activities that are a part of our school. If you have a conflict and cannot work during your assigned shift or complete your assigned task, please find another Emmanuel-Faith parent to do this task for you, or trade with you.
You may have a grandparent, relative, or other responsible adult fill in for you (no youth). On behalf of your children, please make it a priority to help out where you are assigned, or if a Chair of an event calls and asks you to help with an activity, please do the best you can to accommodate. Thank you!
The concessions for the sports events will be set up and ready to go for the first shift of workers. Each shift is also asked to kindly show the next shift how to take over. The final shift is responsible for clean-up.
All funds raised support our classrooms, teachers, athletics, extra-curricular events, field trips, family activities and more. Thank you for your support throughout the school year!
Join the PTL Facebook page to stay up to date on activities!
Thank you to all of the families who make the PTL successful!

PTL Duty Assignments
Please click the link below to view the PTL Assignments for the school year. Once you have found your name, please mark it in your calendar or set a reminder on your phone so that you do not forget. There is a $50 fee for not showing up or finding a replacement for your assigned duty.