7th Grade had lots of fun making Bannock last week 👨‍🍳👩‍🍳 #TeamEF
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Adults and kids (ages 9+) are invited to create a Scripture stone at Wessel's on Sunday, December 3rd. This event is an open-house style event that goes from 1-6pm. Please contact Wessel's or Cornerstones Connect on Facebook for more details!
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
scripture stone
Giving thanks to God for all our #LittleBlessings this year! 🍗🥔🫛🥐 We are blessed by Pastor Ben's and Ashley's cooking skills 😁
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
It's Thanksgiving Break! We'll see everyone back on Monday. Have a blessed and safe holiday! Remember to give thanks to God for all of His rich blessings in our lives. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! - 2 Corinthians 9:15
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
You don't need to cook dinner tonight while you are thawing your turkey! 🍗 Head to Arby's instead! Between 4-8pm, 20% of sales are donated to E-F School, so it's a win-win!
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
arby's night
Wow- What an amazing night of fellowship in support of our school at the annual Believe Fundraiser!!! Our students and staff from preschool to 8th grade are very blessed by the generous members of our congregations and community! #VineandBranches#TeamEF
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Thanks to the Student Leadership Team for planning our pep rally to recognize students participating in fall/winter athletics and extracurricular activities 🏐🏈📚 Nice job reminding us of our #Connected theme this year too! 😁
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
pep rally
pep rally
pep rally
pep rally
Friday was a great day for our middle schoolers to serve the community by picking up trash in the neighborhood! #TeamEF #Connected
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
service to the community
service to the community
service to the community
Having fun in Seward! Getting ready for the afternoon session of Quiz Bowl 😁🤪😆😉🙂 #TeamEF
6 months ago, Brad Wellmann, Principal
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl
A gorgeous day for a Quiz Bowl competition in Seward! #TeamEF
6 months ago, Brad Wellmann, Principal
Quiz Bowl
Another year of DARE with Officer Gillespie is complete- the partnership between parents, school, and police is strong in our community as we work to support our future!!! #TeamEF
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
What a great day for learning and fellowship @CUNE in Seward!!! Not only did the 6th graders visit the Martels Rock Museum, but they also got to surprise Mrs. Staehr at her new job😁 #TeamEF
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
sixth field trip
sixth field trip
Would you consider being a bus driver for York Public Schools? If so, please contact Transportation at 402-362-1988. They are always in need of drivers and their willingness to assist the parochial schools in York is a great benefit to our students!
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Thank you to everyone who supported Little Blessings at the recent Book Fair, it was a success! 📚
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
thank you
This is a reminder that Sunday, Nov. 12th is the last day to purchase tickets for the Believe Fundraiser! Tickets are available in the school office and after church services at Emmanuel and Faith. Don't forget to check out all the updates on the Fundraiser's Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1547845095450392/ Child care requests need to be completed by this date as well so that there is enough food and supervision for all. Children that are not pre-registered will not be allowed to be dropped off. Email believefundraiser@gmail.com with names and ages of children to get them signed up for free!
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Fundraiser Deadline
Family Movie Night- Friday, November 10th @ 7:00 pm Bring a pillow, blanket, or camp chair to get cozy! Siblings, friends, and guests are welcome! The PTL will provide popcorn, candy, and water.
6 months ago, PTL
Movie Night
We wanted to give families advanced notice about Christmas Program (Dec. 19) dress. We would like the students in grades K-5 to plan on wearing jeans, a button up shirt and tennis shoes or cowboy boots (if they have them) for a western look. 🤠
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
loaned manger
Check out our K friends who made their October reading goal for BookIT! #TeamEF
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
K BookIt!
K BookIt!
For those who are interested in joining the basketball team for the 2023-24 season, reminder that the Basketball Parent meeting is tonight at 7pm in the Emmanuel Fellowship Hall.
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
bb meeting
It's the first Monday of the month - that means it's Wendy's for supper! Go between 5-8pm and 10% of all sales are donated to our school!
6 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School