You still have a chance to see our K-2 Operetta at 6:30 tonight!!! We hope to see you there! #TeamEF

Thanks to everyone for attending Muffins in the Morning with our "Little Blessings!" We hope you enjoy watching the beautiful flowers grow! #TeamEF

Wow- what a fun way to ride to school in the morning! Quinton loved greeting all the students 😁 Thanks to the York firefighters! Want a chance to do this??? Attend our Believe fundraiser next November. #TeamEF #community

3rd Grade did an awesome job leading us in Chapel yesterday! #StreetSigns #TeamEF

Join us for chapel this morning as our 3rd Grade class leads us in chapel!

Congrats to our Saints of the Week- Cooper, Kale, Savannah, and Porter! Prayers for a great ending to the school year! #TeamEF

3rd grade joined Kindergarten picking up trash around the neighborhood for Earth Day! 🌎♻️🚮

Yearbook Deadline Extended! The yearbook committee needs a little more time to finalize the yearbook, so if you haven't turned in your order yet, you now have until the end of the day on Friday, April 21st to turn them. Thank you!

Please use up any Grand Central Gift cards before next Tuesday. If you purchased them from our school's RaiseRight (Scrip Program) and they haven't been used yet, you may bring them to the school office for an exchange before 10:30 am on Monday, April 24th.

Join us in chapel at 8:15 this morning as our 8th Grade students share their Witness papers with our students. Witness papers are an important part of the 8th Grade Confirmation tradition that shows their commitment to their faith both now and in the future.

It's our final Arby's Night of the school year tonight! 20% of all sales from 4-8 are donated to the school. Thanks for your support!!

Genius Hour, continued- It is a blessing to help students learn about their God-given abilities! #TeamEF

Genius Hour- Fifth and sixth grade students had the opportunity to explore a topic of their choice through research and creation. Some of the projects included woodworking, dancing, comic book creation, game creation, and learning to play the ukulele. #TeamEF

The Spring Operetta is coming up next Friday! We hope you'll make plans to come watch our Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade students show off all their hard work in this fun musical!

Congrats to Halsey, Olivia, and Brianna- our Saints of the Week! Continue learning and growing in the Lord! #TeamEF

God's Blessings to these Saints of the Week- Melina, Kain, and Timothy! Prayers for a strong finish to the school year! #TeamEF

Construction Zone in 3rd Grade today! 👷👷♀️ Perimeter and area- love the smiles, learning, and teamwork!!! #TeamEF

There is roof work at the building starting Monday, April 17th. The slanted parking spaces on the West Side will be closed that week. The west school doors will be open, but please park along the street or use the north parking lot. Please watch out for falling debris as you walk along the building. Thanks for your patience!

Keep up the great work- Gavin, Logan, and Conner! These Saints of the Week are hoping for some April showers this spring 🌧🌈🌷🌺🌻 #TeamEF