Two more amazing #Saints of the Week to celebrate!!! Prayers for Ivan and Taytum to continue learning and growing in their faith! #TeamEF

There is an optional Science Expo Work Time after school today from 3-4pm in the Computer Lab for students signed up for the Science Expo. Students can come with questions, get help doing research, and/or work on display boards. Computers and printers will be available.

Relax on your last night of Spring Break and let Wendy's do the cooking! Come to Wendy's in York from 5-8 pm for a delicious meal that supports the school!

Praise the Lord for these wonderful Saints of the Week- Avery, Sophie, and Owen!!! #TeamEF

We hope everyone is enjoying their Spring Break! Congrats to these Saints of the Week- Hayden, Beckett, and Connor! #TeamEF

No School on Thursday, March 2 - Monday, March 6. Have a safe and fun Spring Break!

We appreciate the support of all of those who volunteered and came to shop at our Book Fair earlier this month. Thank you! #TeamEF

PTL Parent Meeting on Tuesday, February 28th @ 3:30 pm in the Emmanuel Fellowship Hall. Our Carnival Chairs will have a chance to discuss our upcoming event with parents and staff members. Always a fun event for our families!

God's Blessings to our basketball teams this weekend as they finish their seasons at C-Club in Seward- work hard and have fun! 🏀 Miss Krista is ready to help (just like she did at Roundball)! haha #TeamEF

Our younger students in Preschool-2nd Grade will be having some fun dress up days and activities next week to celebrate Read Across America Week!

We're proud to see these former Saints on the Honor Roll at their High Schools for 2nd Quarter. We hope you continue to share your God-given talents with others this semester. #TeamEF #EFAlumni

Congratulations to these hard-working 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Saints on making Honor Roll and High Honor Roll in the 2nd Quarter! Keep up the good work - we are so proud of you! #TeamEF

We hope you've made plans to attend Ash Wednesday services this evening and that you'll stop by Emmanuel for a delicious taco bar between 3:30 and 7pm church! The 8th graders have been working hard to prepare it. This is their last fundraiser for Outdoor Ed!

We praise God for our "Little Blessings" in preschool each and every day- there is so much learning and growing!!! #TeamEF

It's Arby's Night tonight from 4-8! Come support the school and have a yummy supper too!

Imposition of Ashes: Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. At chapel, any student who doesn't wish to receive ashes on their forehead may cross their arms to receive a blessing from the Pastor instead. Please discuss this with your children ahead of time so that they're prepared.

Reminder that the Science Expo Entry Forms are Due THIS WEDNESDAY for those that want to participate. More information can be found here: https://www.emmfaith.org/page/science-expo

It's hard to believe that February is almost over! We are so proud of these students for their hard work- Lily, Wyatt, Pitch, and Marta 😀 #SaintsoftheWeek

Beautiful music 🎼🎶🎵🎶from our K-2 students at Emmanuel's 8 am service yesterday! Thank you to the families who share the importance of church attendance and giving back to our congregations for their support of our school ministry!

We 💕 these Saints of the Week from last week! May God continue to bless them and inspire them to share the Good News with others!!! #TeamEF