Our fifth graders learned how science and technology in the late 19th century affected the daily lives of those who worked in communities on the plains. Thanks to the Stuhr Museum for providing these learning experiences! #TeamEF
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
5th at Stuhr
5th at Stuhr
5th at Stuhr
Last week the sixth graders had a fun experience at Road Ranche at Stuhr Museum and learned about life on the trail during Westward Expansion. #learning #growing
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
6th at Stuhr
6th at Stuhr
6th at Stuhr
6th at Stuhr
The fifth grade students have been learning about Author's Purpose, PIE (Persuade, Inform, Entertain). Sounds yummy!?! #TeamEF
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
PIE in 5th
PIE in 5th
🥶Cold Weather Reminder: Students WILL go outside unless the "Real Feel" temp is 0° F or below or if it is raining. At 40° F or below, they must have a heavy winter coat. When snow is on the ground, they must have a coat, hat, gloves, snow pants and boots so that they can play.
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
cold weather
Make a joyful noise- Always a blessing to hear the voices of #TeamEF children singing in church! What a great example for the rest of our congregation members and community!
over 2 years ago, Brad Wellmann, Principal
Singing in Church
These Saints of the Week are blessings to our school and community! Please keep Sofia, Elsa, Harper, and Alaric in your thoughts and prayers this week! #TeamEF
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Saint of the Week
Saint of the Week
Saint of the Week
Saint of the Week
We are blessed to have these students learning and growing at our school! Praise God for Jonah, Michael, Ava, and Carter! #SaintsoftheWeek
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Saint of the Week
Saint of the Week
Saint of the Week
Saint of the Week
Saints of the Week- Please keep Collins, Braxton, Spencer, and Jerrick in your thoughts and prayers! #TeamEF
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Saint of the Week
Saint of the Week
Saint of the Week
Saint of the Week
Kindergarten ended Fire Safety week with a trip to the York Fire Department. They had a lot of fun touring the station and getting a peak at all the equipment. 🚒👨‍🚒👩‍🚒
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
k firetruck
Thank you to these three amazing coaches for all the time and love they have put into our volleyball girls this season. 🏐💙🤍🏐 Best wishes to both our A and B teams at the Lincoln Lutheran Volleyball Tournament this weekend. Go Saints!! #TeamEF
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
vb coach
Join us for chapel this morning! In person or online at: https://livestream.com/accounts/5804726/events/10646364
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Little Blessings is having a Book Fair! It will be set up in the conference room at Faith Lutheran Church.
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
usborne book fair
📱 The school phone lines are back up and running, thank you for your patience and understanding!
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
📵 The phone lines for the school are ringing as busy this morning, so there is no way to get through if you call. Please email kbranz@efyork.org to get ahold of the school office. We will let you know when the phones are available again.
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
no phones
Lots of learning, growing, fellowship, and fun at #LEAConvo in Milwaukee! God's blessings are abundant- Praise the Lord!!! #luthed
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Happy Friday from #TeamEF😁 #LEAConvo
over 2 years ago, Brad Wellmann, Principal
Good Morning from Milwaukee!!! #TeamEF #LEAConvo #luthed
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Milwaukee LEA
Enjoy the long break - there will be no school Oct. 5-10. Please pray for safe travels for our teachers as they drive to Milwaukee for the Lutheran Education Association Convocation.
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
no school
Thanks to the Student Leadership Team for organizing our pep rally yesterday! Congrats to all of the students and coaches who participated in fall sports🏐🏈🏃 #schoolspirit #TeamEF
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
The 8th graders have started their card sales to raise money for their end of year trip to Camp Luther for Outdoor Ed. Cards will be on sale through Sunday, October 16th. #TeamEF
over 2 years ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School