The last day to turn in Scrip Orders to receive physical cards before Christmas is Sunday the 12th. You can also place your order in the RaiseRight App. Don't miss this chance to get some easy Christmas shopping done while supporting the school!

7th graders filled the school with the wonderful smell of bannock after their study of "Far North." Yum!!! #TeamEF

Winners of the 8th Grade Ugly Christmas Sweater Cookie Contest 🍪 Thanks to everyone who voted! #TeamEF

Thanks to the Student Leadership Team for sponsoring Ugly Christmas Sweater Day! #schoolspirit🎄

5th -8th Grade Basketball Families - team pictures for boys and girls are Tuesday, December 7th, right after school. Players need to make sure they bring uniforms and order forms for picture buttons, etc. to school for the pictures!

Ugly Christmas Sweater cookie decorating contest in 8th Grade! Which one is your favorite? Students are voting until tomorrow at 2pm - let us know what you think!

Come to the Christmas Market to find vendors of all kinds for all your Christmas shopping needs! There will be an Emmanuel-Faith Scrip table, you can buy gift cards or just ask questions about how scrip earns money for the school! We hope to see you there!

This Friday is an all school dress up day sponsored by the EF student leadership team. Dress up theme is: UGLY SWEATER

Emmanuel-Faith is hosting two basketball tournaments in January and we need volunteers for the scorebook, scoreboard and the admission table.
Saturday, January 8 and Saturday & Sunday, January 22-23. Please reach out to the Athletic Director, Laure Ragoss, at athleticdirector@efyork.org to let her know if you can assist. Let her know day(s) you can volunteer, tasks you will do (scorebook, scoreboard or admissions), any time that will not work for you and the best way to reach you. Thank you!

We are honored to participate in this book drive. Please drop off any books you would like to donate at the office any school day between now and January 7th. <3

Full of anticipation for the Christmas season! 🎄 Enjoying God's blessings on a beautiful November day! ☀️ #LittleBlessings #TeamEF

Thanks to everyone who supported and participated in the Believe fundraiser last Friday! We are very thankful for our community!!! #InAllThings

We hope you are enjoying your day, filled with good food and family! Happy Thanksgiving!

2nd Grade enjoyed their field trip to the Stuhr Museum last Friday! Lots of fun and learning with Winter on the Plains!!! #2ndgradeRocks #TeamEF

Have a great break!

Let us know if you have any questions about bidding or setting up your account for the Believe Auction tonight!

We are getting excited for the Believe Auction tomorrow! Feel free to set up or update your account for bidding and do a little "window shopping" before tomorrow night! Thanks to all the generous donors who made these items available!

Boys and girls’ Emmanuel-Faith basketball teams… please see attachment for ordering BB apparel. There will NOT be crewnecks available due to supply concerns this year. Orders are due Nov 30 to school office. Forms will also be coming home with players this week.

Today is the last day to reserve your tickets for the Believe Auction! Let the school office know if we can set some aside for you. Even if you don't think you'll bid on anything, it's still a great time, you won't want to miss out!