k round up

Please share this information with any family members or friends that have students who may be interested in Kindergarten at our school.

Dear Parents,

You are invited to the Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School Kindergarten Round-Up. The Round-Up will be held on Thursday, February 1st .  We will be scheduling specific times for families to meet Ms. Pope, our kindergarten teacher, in the classroom; you will also have an opportunity to talk with Mr. Wellmann, our principal, and tour the school.

To RSVP for the event, please visit our school’s website, www.emmfaith.org. You will see a button about Kindergarten Round-Up below the pictures at the top of the main page. Once you click on this button, it will take you to a page to complete several questions and select a 15-minute slot to visit the school.

Once we have your contact email, we will send a video that includes Mr. Wellmann providing an
overview of the school and information about the registration process and Ms. Pope giving you
information about the kindergarten curriculum and answering questions that many parents have about school procedures. We will send you the video link a few days before the Round-Up, so you can ask us any follow up questions during your visit or review the information later, when you aren’t experiencing “information overload.” :) 

On the day of Kindergarten Round-Up, please park in the east parking lot (near the playground) and enter the east doors of the building, which are located under the large overhang. There will be a welcome table inside these doors where our staff will greet you, gather some information, provide an information packet for the parents, and give a special gift to our potential new students.

Even if you have already registered with another school system, you are still invited to attend our Round-Up.

In order for the kindergarteners to best interact with you at the school, we ask that you do not bring their younger siblings to the event. If this is not possible, please let the school know ahead of time.

Nebraska statute states that your child must be five years old on or before July 31, 2024, to be eligible for the 2024–2025 Kindergarten class. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the school office at (402) 362-6575.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

God’s Blessings,

Brad Wellmann, Principal

Jessi Pope,  Kindergarten Teacher